Hikari Award!
You wanna win my award? Well, here are some of the requierments.
1. I have to like your site.
2. Has to be Anime (Digimon prefered, but not requiered)
3. No henti.
4. No stolen stuff (fan art ect....)
5. Has to have a link to me.
That's it! This is my favorite award, and I made
changes to the piccy, so please e-mail me if you want it! Here is my address:
[email protected]
Takeru Award!
This is one of my FAVORITE pics of TK! In order to win this award, you must:
1. Have a 01 site. You can have 02 in it, but it has to
have 01 info.
2. NO henti.
3. No stolen stuff. (fan art ect...)
4. I gotta like it!
5. Gotta link to me.
6. Must be an anime site!
That's all! It has to have 01, 'cause it's a Sweet Memories
award. 01 memories. E-mail me to win the award! Cheers! ^_^