In-Training form. Small and cute, but watch out for those teeth! Tokomon,
like Tk, has that inoscent look to him.
Attack: Bubble-Blow
Rookie form. Patamon doesn't digivolve much, he prefers to stay as a rookie
and keep Tk company. This little Digimon will do anything to protectTk.
Patamon is more like a playmate for Tk then anything else.
Attack: Boom Bubble/Slamming Attack
Champion form. Angemon is also protective of Tk. He is pure goddness, which
is an eliminater of evil. Graceful and elegant, he is the champion who
finally beat Devimon.
Attack: Hand of Fate/Angel Rod
Co-Champion form. Not much is known about Pegusmon. He digivolves from
Patamon using the Digimental, or armour, of Hope. I think he shows up in
02 episode 3. He is used mainly for transportation, and when control spires
are around. He is also cool! I want one!
Attack: Star Shower/Shooting Star
Ultimate form. MagnaAngemon saved Tk and Kari from a gruesome fall when
they were battling Piedmon. He has eight beautiful wings. And big shoes.
He also carries the mighty sword, "Excaliber." Sounds familiar, huh?
Attack: Gate of Destiny
and Crest. Crest of Hope. The crest looks like a person, who might be god.
(?) That might symbolize great power (?) Or maybe it's the sun...
Please send
me more info!