Name: Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odiba Elementary
Digimon: Koromon/Agumon/Greymon/MetalGreymon
Crest: Courage
Siblings: Younger Sister, Kari.
Tool From the Real World: Spy Glass
Description: Tai is the leader of the season 1 kids. He has reckless courage, and usally jumps right into the path of danger without thinking twice. He later learns that to be a true leader, you must allso have compassion. Tai has good leadership skills, but can also be stubbern. He has a soft spot for Kari and Sora, and feals that he is responsible for the safty of the others in the group. He also fights with Matt a lot. Tai loves to play soccar, and is very good at it.
Attack: Bubble Blow
Agumon, "The
Happy Dinosaur": Rookie form. Agumon is chearful and friendly. He is a
lot like Tai, and is learning to be braver from him. Agumon is humble by
Attack: Pepper Breath/Claw Attack
Champion form. Greymon is fearless. Willing to step into the path of danger
to keep the others safe. He is a bigge badder Agumon.
Attack: Nova Blast/Great Horns Attack
Ultimate form. MetalGreymon is a bigger, meaner Greymon. And he acts it
too. MetalGreymon is at full confidance.
Attack: Giga Blaster/Mega Claw
Mega form. WarGreymon dosen't understand the phase "pataince." He always
jumps into action, and is always ready to take on other digimon.
Attack: Tarra Force/Mega Claw
Pics of Tai and Agumon