Name: Sora Takenouchi
Aka: "The Tomboy"
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odiba Elementary
Digimon: Yokomon/Biyomon/Birdramon/Garudamon
Crest: Love
Tool From the Real World: First Aid Kit
Description: Sora is the motherly caring one in their group. She is the voice of reason. Sora is very sensative, and she likes to encourage the others. Sora loves to play soccer, and is on Tai's team. Biyomon and Sora are very close. Sora would love to cut loose and have an adventure like no other, but insyed she takes the job of keeping the others safe.
Attack: Bubble Blow
"The Love Bird": Rookie form. She is trying to get Sora to losen up. Biyomon
is very caring, she'd do anything for Sora. Even though her wings aren't
storong enough for flight, she will stand up to larger digimon.
Attack: Spiral Twister/Peaking Attack
Champion form. Birdramon is also protective of Sora. She will do anything
for her friends, and for Sora.
Attack: Metaor Wing/Fire Flapping
Ultimate form. Garudamon is also caring. She comands the sky and protects
the earth, and Sora. She has a deep voice and is extremly large.
Attack: Wing Blade/Eagle Claw
Mega form: Nothing is known about her.
Attack: Star-Light Explosion/Crimson Flame
Pics of Sora and Biyomon