Chapter 2
“Here they go again!” Stated
Kari, looking at her digivice. “Lets follow the signal then!” And she walked
in the direction that the digivice was beeping at. Duo, in puzzlement,
followed us. This time there were two. A girl and a boy. They looked our
age, and there was a stuffed animal with wings flying over them, bawling.
“Oh shutup!” The boy kept yelling at the stuffed animal. “One sec.” I said,
and went over to the data streams surrounding them. After they were freed,
the girl introduced herself as Sakura, and the boy’s name was Li. The stuffed
animal was named Keero. Suddenly, we all heard a roar. Kari and TK looked
at their digivices, and gulped. “Ever heard of Knightmon?” Asked TK. “He’s
and Ultimate with and attitude!” We all turned, and saw a huge digimon.
“Uh oh!” I exclaimed. “Not good!” “We don’t have our digimon with us!”
Yelled Matt. “Sammie!” Kari looked at me. “Right!” I said. “TRANSFORM!…….SAMMIE
TRANSFORM TO……...GATOMON! Lets go Kari!” “Okay! Do your thing.” Kari instructed
me. “Right!” I answered. “GATOMON DIGIVOLVE TO………..ANGEWOMON! All right!
Lets barbecue this brute! CELESTIAL ARROW!” “YOU GO ANGEWOMON!” Kari
yelled. Duo’s mouth just happened to be just about touching the floor.
“TIMBER!” Called Matt, as Knightmon collapsed. I land and turn back into
Sammie. “Keep your mouths shut!” I say to Duo and Tai. I pop them back
into place. “It’s getting dark!” Matt says. “We’d better find a place to
crash for the night!” So we walk and walk. Tai and Duo keep staring at
me. We finally find a cave, and decide to crash their for the night. We
walk in and find…..A room with 7 queen size beds. “WOW!” TK says, “I call
that one!” “Problem! There are 8 of us, and 7 beds!” Says Kari. “No prob!”
I add. “I’ll turn into Gatomon and sleep on the foot of one of them!” So
I yelled “TRANSFORM!” As Gatomon I lay down on the first bed. Suddenly,
all the beds fly off. “NO GATOMON!” Kari yells, as I fly off into a different