Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Aka: "The Rebal"
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odiba Elementary
Digimon: Tsunomon/Gabumon/Garurumon/WereGarurumon
Crest: Friendship
Siblings: Takeru
Tool From the Real World: Hermonica
Description: Matt is the self-proclaimed cool one. Also known as the rebal. He and Tai fight a lot. He often keeps to himself. Like Tai, Matt looks out for the safty of the others. Matt has a soft spot for his little brother Tk. Personally I think he also has one for Mimi. He always denies his feelings and keps things bottled up inside. But you can alway count on Matt, he'll be your friend to the end.
Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie form. Gabumon is a shy monster who hates getting wet. He is however
friendly. He always wheres his Garurumon fur coat because of his shyness.
But Gabumon is very dependable.
Attack: Blue Blaster/Horn Attack
Champion form. Forgetting his shyness as Gabumon, he jumps into battle.
He is fast and strong.
Attack: Howling Blaster/Slamming Attack
Ultimate form. A pumped up werewolf. Has strong high-jumps and kicks. He
acts a lot like Matt.
Attack: Wolf Claw/Garuru Kick
Mega form. Cold as ice, MetalGarurumon only listens to one person: Matt.
He does, howevwer, keep friendship in mind.
Attack: Metal Wolf Claw/Giga Canon
Pics of Matt and Gabumon