In-Training form. Nyaromon is like Kari, she can't stand to see others
in pain. She does what she can to help.
Attack: Bubble-Blow
Rookie form. Not much is known about Salamon exept for the fact that she
was a slave for Myotismon.
Attack: Beleived to be "Puppy
Howl," or "Flaming Paws."
Champion form. Gatomon can be a bit bossy, but she is also very faithful
to Kari. She will protect Kari no matter what. She is also very patient
and has compassion. She is one of my favorite Digimon! In 02 Gatomon can't
digivolves into Angewomon when there is a "Dark Tower" around. Instead,
she digivolves into Neferatimon with the digimental of light. Gatomon also
lost the ring on the end of her tail, so she is not as powerful as before.
Attack: Lightning Claw/ Cat's Eye Hypnotism
Ultimate Form. Angewomon is very protective of Kari. If others insult her
they don't get away with it. She is an angel with an attitude! Not that
that is bad or anything. I think she's cool.
Attack: Celestial Arrow/ Heaven Charm
Co-Ultimate form. Not much is known about her except that she is cool!
I mean just look at her! She looks like a flying Egyption Sphinx, actually,
that's what she is. She digivolves from Gatomon using the digimental of
Attack: Believed to be: Curse of the Queen/Rosetta
Tag and Crest.
Crest of Light. The shape of a flower means harmony. (I read that somewhere)
Kari is in harmony with many animals and digimon, so it makes sense for
her to have the crest of Light.