Name: Cody
Age: 9
Grade: 3rd
School: Odiba Elementary
Digimon: Upamon/Armadillomon/Digmon/Submarimon
Digieggs: Knowledge/Reliability
Description: Cody is very mature for his age. Actually, he has more maturity then any other kid. He keeps to himself a lot, and does things at his own pace. He keeps the group headed in the right direction, and thinks things up very carefully. Cody also knows kendo, and is very good at it. Cody is the child of destiony, and must be protected. He looks up to Joe.
In-Training form. He is small and cute. He digivolves into Armadillomon.
As Upamon, he hates sushi, and likes to explore Cody's household.
Attack: Bubble Blow
Rookie form. He can and will eat anything and everything. Armadillomon
can brighten up any room, but once he is angry there's no reasoning with
him. He is supposidly very nice, even though he likes to nap a lot!
Attack: Diomand Shell/Diomand Slamming Attack
Digmon: Champion
form. He digivolves from Armadillomon using the knowledge digimental. He
talks with a western accent, and is kinda fun! How can you NOT like him?
His attitude is cool!
Attack: Gold Rush
Co-Champion form. He digivolves from Armadillomon using the digimental
of Reliability. He and Cody help the other kids escape from an underwater
cave, where they are hiding from MetalSeadramon.
Attack: Oxygen Homing/Submarine Attack
Pics of Cody and Armadillomon